Spring Things
My dinner view: Kenny, Meagan, and Bertha’s in the back + architecture treats the next afternoon: keyhole-shaped transom; fish scale glass.
A Quick Trip to Baltimore
Kenny shot three projects that were in the Maryland Film Festival this year, so we road tripped down for one night and enjoyed a sort of mini-vacation with friends. We went to the festival back in 2019 and both fell in love with Baltimore, so were excited to see that screenings were happening in person again this year.
I wish we could have had more time! On our drive back home to Brooklyn, everyone agreed that we need to plan a longer trip to Baltimore where we don’t spend half the time indoors screening films.
Both years we’ve gotten dinner at Bertha’s, a seafood joint in the Fell’s Point historic harbor. I am a freak for seafood and make it my first order of business to get crab cakes as soon as we touch down in the city. I am sure there are killer crab cakes all over town, but this place has never failed me — in fact, Kenny and I made it a point to stop for lunch last spring when we passed through on a road trip back home from down south. Sit outside and get a Natty Bo if you decide to check it out!
wild (and cultivated) flowers
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m like, really into plants. Without a doubt, one of the best $30 I have spent is on the app PictureThis! which helps users identify plants by simply uploading an image. As the weather warms up, I have found myself playing a granny’s version of Pokémon Snap, whipping my phone out to make sure I can ID anything that catches my eye. The snaps above are things I’ve seen around the neighborhood. From left to right— Hellebores, Grape Hyacinth, Purple Dead-Nettle, and Dwarf Crested Iris.
Lest I sound like the neighborhood garden creep, be assured that I have my own plants going this year too. I got an early start on the garden this year by setting up a seedling station in our basement. When I realized that indoor gardening was an option for me, I physically felt some of the seasonal depression lift itself from my back. Truth be told, most of the plants got started way too early and died —mostly due to running out of space in the basement — but valuable lessons were learned. Soon I will be ready for life in the bunker!!!